
Online Courses & Workshops

QGIS Basic Courses

QGIS (Basic Level)


  • Using QGIS 3 software from scratch
  • Georeferencing
  • Working with spatial data
  • Various Indices (NDVI, NDWI, MNDWI, NDBI etc.)
  • Digitalization (Point, Line and Polygon)
  • Spatial analysis concepts (buffer, clip, dissolve etc.)
  • Thematic Maps (Pie, Bar etc.)
  • Importing Data from Excel
  • Creating maps
  • Map tips and tricks
QGIS advanced Courses

QGIS (Advanced Level)

  • Land use and Land cover classification (Supervised)
  • Advanced Digitizing
  • Correlation between NDVI and LST 
  • Dem Analysis (Slope, Aspect, Hillshade etc)
  • Watershed Delineation
  • Batch Processing (Multiple tasks at a time)
  • Use Template for Map Layout
  • Map tips and tricks
Lulc advanced

Land use and Land cover (Advanced)

  • Introduction to QGIS and SCP plugin
  • Atmospheric correction methods
  • K-means clustering
  • Selection of training samples
  • Classification algorithms (e.g., Maximum Likelihood, Support Vector Machine)
  • Accuracy assessment and error matrix
  • Change detection techniques
  • Advanced SCP functionalities (e.g., post-classification techniques)
  • Use Template for Map Layout
  • Map tips and tricks